Industrial Motor Repair Company News - Redmond Waltz

Johanna's 'Hot Job' of October 2020: 125HP Motor and Super Sucker Blower Repair

Written by Johanna Marko | Nov 05, 2020

This month, Johanna chose a 125 HP Motor with a 15K Press Super Sucker Blower as our October job to highlight. This unit was picked up by an RW driver and returned to the facility for evaluation by our techs.
Upon arrival, the blower was taken through the disassembly process and inspected for damage. All the parts were cleaned and sandblasted, new blower bearings were installed and the fan was balanced at 1200 RPM.

Next, techs tore down the motor for inspection and testing. The parts were then cleaned and prepped, and ready for reassembly. Bearings were replaced, and endbells were metalized and machined to tolerances. The rotor was dynamically balanced and the motor was reassembled, tested and given a fresh paint job.

Lastly, the motor and blower were reassembled and furnished with new belts. Belts were aligned and painting of the unit was completed. With all testing and the Redmond Waltz QA / QC process complete, the unit was loaded back onto our truck for safe delivery back to our customer.